1326. Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden [Leetcode Hard]

1 min readFeb 18, 2021


One of the biggest mysteries in the world: how leetcode assigns a level to the task — please comment if you have an insight.

This one is a classic example of such question: there are a lot of similar tasks with Medium level. Solution is simpler than one can expect from Hard task:

  1. Create intervals from input and sort by beginning of the interval
  2. Starting from the left, select the new interval (or call it a jump) that has the most right end; on new iteration, look for intervals that have intersection with current point and repeat a jump to most right
class Solution {
public int minTaps(int n, int[] ranges) {
// 1. create ranges and sort by start position in non descending order
int[][] rarr = new int[ranges.length][2];
for(int i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
rarr[i][0] = (i - ranges[i])>=0?i - ranges[i]:0;
rarr[i][1] = (i + ranges[i])<=n?i + ranges[i]:n;
Arrays.sort(rarr, (a, b) -> (a[0]==b[0]?a[1]-b[1]:a[0]-b[0]));

/* for(int[] row:rarr)
System.out.println(row[0]+" "+row[1]);*/

int endAt = 0;
int tapCount=0;
while(endAt!=n) {
// find intersection top right
// intersection has start <= endAt
int maxEndAt=-1;
for(int i = 0; i <rarr.length && rarr[i][0]<=endAt;i++) {
maxEndAt = Math.max(maxEndAt, rarr[i][1]);
if(maxEndAt==-1 || maxEndAt==endAt) return -1;

return tapCount;




Written by Kostya

Java, start-up, hiking, photos, bicycle,journey

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